Wednesday, September 12, 2012


We, along with all of my other Facebook friends, started school this past week.  I think Momma is having a harder time adjusting to the new routine than anyone else!

I've been quiet on the blogosphere of late.  I think I've been waiting for a really profound thought that I just must share with the rest of the world.  Momma's brain ain't workin' that way right now.  I am just hoping to remember my 7am dentist appointment in the morning.  (I already missed it twice!)  So many details for a person not so good with details!

My blogging silence, however, does not mean that the wheels have not been turning.  We celebrated our first year back in the frozen tundra over the summer.  That particular anniversary was cause for much reflection.  We spent three whole weeks down south with friends and family!  Again, much reflection.  I just haven't had the words.  But now I am afraid if I don't attempt to find those words they will be forgotten.  And I don't want that.  

So...I will just start talking.  And reflecting.  And today, in this week of crazy commuting and carpooling, I will highlight one very simple, but special act.  One that has been consistent every single afternoon.  And one that has brought much joy to all parties in participation.

Go Fish!
Monkey #2 of the male type started Kindergarten this year.  I am so thrilled that our school offers a half-day option for Kindergartners because that means I get to do...

It is the one hour of my day that I have pause to sit, look at that sweet, knowing face...and smile.  And take it all in.  The time that is passing so quickly in the midst of these slow days.  The people that are becoming right before my very eyes.
I have this one line from "The Scientist" by Coldplay in my head...
"Nobody said it was easy.  Nobody said it would be so hard."  These people they are becoming have opinions and emotions and preferences.  And it is beautiful.  But it is not easy.  And today...he still wants to play with me.  And today I get to.

My favorite..."Mommy.  Do you have a 'I do not like them Sam I Am, I do not like green eggs and ham?'"

And tonight he asked me to put him to bed (I lose out to Daddy 9 times out of 10).  For the moment I am aware of the shifting sand I hold in my hands.  And I am treasuring it.  Because I know I will forget.  

But today I am grateful for the grace to have eyes to see and know.


SpringSnoopy (Julie) said...

So sweet. Loved your post, as always.

Kitty Brown said...

Love hearing your voice, Joy.