Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gone to Target!

It would be easy to assume that the pun in my title has everything to do with the quantity of time I spend perusing the aisles of everyone's favorite super store.  While I do spend my fair share of time, and more than my fair share of money at Target, the pun has everything to do with the next step in the Knight family adventure...

Hears a brief synopsis of our journey thus far...

2001 married and partnered in a no-profit college ministry (thought we were "life-rs")
2003 decided we weren't "life-rs" and expanded the box we had God, and ourselves crammed into
2004 moved to Minneapolis, MN for grad school
2004 the stick turned blue!  3 days after we waved goodbye to my parents at the MSP airport and unloaded our moving truck
2005 monkey #1 came and changed the plans - no grad school for me, at least for now
2006 hubbie graduated with MBA and took his first big boy job at Target Headquarters
2007 monkey #2 came and rocked our world once again
2008 hubbie decided to move back to the south, close to family and out of the corporate world
2011 Target called again!  And we said yes!

So after several years of growing and changing and adapting to life (and one more monkey later), we once again have packed up all of our earthly belongings and are headed back to the frozen tundra.  Back to the house we were in before.  Almost like we never skipped a beat...

But we have...

So this is my attempt to journal our life, our transition, my heart in it all.  I used to be such a journal-er.  The awkward kid too insecure to have too many friends, always finding a friend with pen and paper.  That was me.  But then life got busy.  I am more secure and have found ways to make more friends.  And my pen and paper have been quite lonely.  So this is my grown-up version...

In all honesty, it is mostly for my Mom (Nana) and Cheryl (Gram).  And a way for our dear friends(family, really) to keep up with our goings-on when they get the urge.They may be the only followers.  And that's ok.  But I am happy to welcome anyone who'd like to come along for the ride!  I'm excited!

Disclaimer:  My first attempt at blogging was titled "The Non-Bloggers Blog". Not the most technically savvy gal.  I'm learning.  Be kind. 


April Barber said...

Hi friend. Found your blog through FB. We are in St. Louis if you ever need a mid-western vacation! :)

joyknight said...

That's awesome, April! I actually just flew through St. Louis Thursday. I will definitely keep that in mind. Especially if we ever decide to drive to visit family (Ehk!)