So I'm playing a bit of catch-up with my blogging. With a bum computer for the latter part of June and early part of July, I got quite behind on picture editing and blogging. But I'm committed, dad gummit, and I will continue...even if that means moving a bit backward.
In June we had the great privilege and joy of picking strawberries at Lorence's Berry Farm in Northfield, MN with our dear friends, the McCowens.
The weather was perfect, the monkeys were happy, and strawberries were abundant. Couldn't ask for a better formula.The only rules were...
Stay within the rows...(Matthew running all the way around the aisle in order to follow the rules...pretty impressive)
And eat... many...
...strawberries... you like...
And eat we did.
In fact, we ate until strawberry juice dripped from our chins...and down our elbows. No better way to eat a strawberry in my opinion.
Even P got in on the action.
Look at those sweet chubby hands.
Hands and knees hard work.
But well worth the bounty.
The only thing better than the strawberries...
Sharing it with friends. Friends we never in a million years thought we would be reunited with in this way. But are oh, so grateful that we are.
And as I said before...boy, did we eat. (Full bellies, by the way.)
And our bounty? Weighed in at 12 lbs...each!!!